Service manual

LASER CLASS 1060P Chapter 3: Assembly and Disassembly
2.5 Printer Ass’y
Disassembly 13. Scanner Unit
1) Perform disassembly 1.
2) Remove the stopper a.
3) Remove the screw b, and detach the actuator unit c.
4) Remove the four screws d, and detach the scanner unit. At this time, take care not to remove the two
screws e.
Disassembly 14. Paper feed ass’y
1) Perform disassembly 1 and 2.
2) Free the claws f, and remove the four screws g.
3) Remove the paper feed ass'y.
Disassembly 15. Main Motor
1) Perform disassembly 1 through 4.
2) Remove the two screws h, and detach the main motor.