Acquiring GPS Signals
Places with Poor GPS Coverage
Location information may not be recorded, or inaccurate information may
be recorded where GPS signal coverage is poor, such as in the following
Indoors, underground, near buildings or in valleys, in tunnels or forests
Near high-voltage power lines or mobile phones operating on the
1.5 GHz band
When the receiver is inside a bag or suitcase
When traveling through different environments
Even in other places, GPS satellite movement may interfere with
geotagging and cause missing or inaccurate location information. The
information may also indicate that the camera has been used in a
different location, even if you are shooting at the same place.
Appended Information
When the receiver and the camera are connected with a cable, shots
taken immediately after turning on the camera’s power switch (or
resuming use after auto power off) may not be geotagged. Similarly,
directions may not be recorded correctly. Either wait a moment before
shooting or, if your camera supports the communication through the hot
shoe, attach the receiver to the hot shoe. When the receiver is attached
to the hot shoe, do not connect the camera and receiver with a cable.
The EOS 7D does not support the communication through the hot shoe.
Certain cameras other than the EOS 7D also do not support the
communication through the hot shoe. For details, refer to the camera’s
instruction manual or Canon Web site.
With the EOS 7D, you cannot append the shooting direction data to the
images. (It cannot use the receiver’s digital compass.)
With certain cameras other than the EOS 7D, you also cannot append
the shooting direction data to the images. (They cannot use the
receiver’s digital compass.) For details, refer to the camera’s instruction
manual or Canon Web site.
If mirror lockup is performed when the receiver is attached to the hot
shoe, location information where the mirror was locked will be attached
to the images. If mirror lockup is performed when the receiver is
connected to the camera with a cable, shooting location will be attached
to the images as location information. For convenience, the receiver can
be left attached to the hot shoe.