Logging the Route Traveled
Location information is recorded at regular intervals along the route
traveled with the receiver, as shown in the positioning interval table.
Daily logs (p.28) are saved on the receiver itself. The number of days
for which you can store logs depends on the positioning interval you
specify in [Position update timing] (p.21). Log files can be saved or
deleted with Map Utility (GP-E2 software, p.29).
When the receiver’s internal memory becomes full, the oldest log files
are overwritten with new information, one by one.
Log File Capacity, by Positioning Interval
*Capacity when logging eight hours per day
Location Information Logs
Position Update
Log Files (Approx.)
Position Update
Log Files (Approx.)
Every second 4.5 days Every 30 sec. 128 days
Every 5 sec. 23 days Every minute 128 days
Every 10 sec. 45 days Every 2 min. 128 days
Every 15 sec. 68 days Every 5 min. 128 days
When carrying the receiver in a bag or suitcase as you travel, make sure
the receiver faces upward and nothing is on top of it.
Set the camera time and date as accurately as possible. Also, on
cameras that support time zones and daylight saving time, use
appropriate settings for the shooting location.
Map Utility (GP-E2 software, p.29) geotags images by comparing image
date/time tags to logged date and time information. An incorrect date
and time setting may prevent accurate geotagging.
Logging also enables subsequent geotagging of JPEG and RAW
images (file extension: CR2) shot with EOS DIGITAL cameras.
Movie files can also be geotagged this way at a later time, when using
cameras that display [GPS device settings] in the menu.