
Light Metering Mode
The camcorder measures the light reflected from the subject in order to
calculate the optimal exposure settings. Depending on the subject, you
may want to change the way the light is measured and evaluated.
Options (* Defaultvalue)
[m Eva_eative]* Appropriate for standard shooting conditions,
including backlit scenes, The camcorder divides the picture into
several areas and the light is measured in all of them to achieve
the optimal exposure for the subject.
[[:3 C÷nter_Weighted Average] Averages the light metered from
the entire screen, giving more weight to the subject in the center,
[E] Spet] Meters only the area within the spot AE point frame, Use
this setting to adjust the exposure to match the subject in the
center of the screen,
[F0i_i O [m Evaluative] O Desired option O [_0N_]
You can play a slideshow of all the photos and even set it to music.
1 Open the photo index screen.
You can select the photos in the built-in memory or on the
memory card (E::D51).
2 Open the list of background music tracks.
_,¢dNc: O [,Jl Select Music]
3 Select (AV) a music track and press _ twice.
You can press _ to listen to the track selected, Press _ to stop
the playback,
Select [Offj to play back slideshow without background music,
4 Back in the index screen, select (AT, _) the first photo of the
104 * Photos