
Photos captured from a scene with a lot of fast movement may be
_ Photos will be recorded on the memory selected for recording
photos (C_342).
[D_ Photo Sequence]:
- Up to 100 photos can be captured at a time.
- The photo sequence capture will stop when the end of the scene is
reached (playback will pause at the beginning of the following scene).
- Photos will be captured at intervab of 1/30 second (I/24 second, if
the scene was recorded at a frame rate of [_ PF24]).
Protecting Photos
You can protect photos from accidental erasure.
Protecting Single Photos
1 in single photo view, open the photo seBection screen.
[_0_: O [o_ Protect]
[_ Protect] appears on the screen.
2 Sebct (41_} the photo you want to protect.
3 Press O to protect the photo.
_] appears on the bottom bar and the photo cannot be deleted. Press
again to remove the protection.
4 Repeat steps 2-3 to protect additionaB photos or press [FUNC.!
twice to cBose the menu.
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