
Additional nformationThis chapter contains troubleshooting advice, screen rues=
sages, handling and maintenance tips, and other information.
Appendix: Menu Options Lists
Menu items not availabb appear grayed out. For details about how to
select an item, refer to Using the Menus (722 35). For details about each
function, see the reference page. Menu options without a reference
page are explained after the tables. Menu options in boldface indicate
default values.
FUNC. Menu =Recording Modes
Recording programs [ p Programmed AE], o o 62
[ TV Shutter-Priority AE],
[ AVAperture-Pdority AE]
[l_ Cine Model e - 64
[_Snow], [_+,_Beach], [.-_=Sunset],
[L_ Spotlight], Iv[(" Fireworks]
Light metering mode _ EvamuatNe],
[ E] Center-Weighted Average], [ E_] Spot]
White balance [ AWeAutomatic] [_ Daylight] [_ Shade] e 74
[5 Cloudy], [_ Tungsten], [.,.._ Fluorescent],
....... [_ FBorescent HiI [_ Custom WB] ......
image effects [ _F Image Effect Off], [ _ Vivid], o o 76
[ <_N Neutral], [ 4_s Low Sharpening],
[ _D Soft Skin Detail], [ _c Custom Effect]
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