
Usinga memory card
min. min.tOOmin,tOOmin. OOmin.
recording time
BP-808 Typicalrecording 60 min= 60min= 65 min= 65min= 65min=
Playback time 150min. 155min. 155min= 160min. 160min.
190 min. 190min. 200min. 200min. 200 min.
recording time
BP-819 Typicalrecording 125min. 130min. 130min. 130rain. 130min.
Playback time 300min. 305min. 315rain. 315rain. 315min.
290 min. 295min. 305min. 305min. 305 min.
recording time
BP-827 Typicalrecording t9Omin, t9Omin. 200min. 200min. 200min.
Playback time 460 min= 475 min= 485 min= 485 min= 485 min=
* Approximate times for recording with repeated operations such as start/stop,
zooming, and power on/off.
_8_TL=H_ Tele=eonverter
This Tele-converter lens increases the
focal length of the camcorder lens by a
factor of 1.5.
The image stabilizer is not as effective
when the Tele-converter is attached.
The minimum focusing distance at full
telephoto with the TL-H58 is 2.3 m (7.5 ft.).
When the Tele-converter is attached, a shadow may appear in the pic-
ture when you use the flash.
Addtora fo_rato .177