
Basic Pmayback
Viewing Photos
To start directly in single photo view
1 Set the camera mode dial to _.
2 Press bS_F¢l
The last photo recorded will be
displayed in single photo view.
3 Push the joystick (4_)to move
between photos.
Push the joystick (4_) and hold it
down to run quickly through the
To get to single photo view from the index screen
Pressing _m,_%_ when recording with the camera mode dial set to _
or ,_ will open the movie index screen.
1 Open the photo index screen (1:_!51).
_ You can select the photos in the built-in memory or on the
memory card.
You can change the number of photos displayed per index page.
2 Select (AV, _l_) a photo.
Move the orange selection frame to the photo you want to view.
When you have recorded a large number of photos, you can display
(,A_') a slidebar below the photo thumbnails and browse (_!_)
through whole index pages.
3 Press O"
The selected photo is displayed in single photo view.
To get to the index screen from single photo view
1 Open (A) the joystick guide.
2 Select (_&V) the _ icon and press O"
96 * Photos