User manual

<Cannot start this application because there is no distributable
software in the application. Get a distributable software.>
<Cannot start this application because the number of bootable applets
has exceeded the limit. Start this application after stopping other
<Cannot start this application because system resources (memory,
threads, sockets, file descriptors, disk space, or screen size) required
to start the application may not be available. <Zdroje>>
<The name listed in the file for the application and the applet name to
register with Applet Viewer Service are different. Check the file.>
<The following login services cannot be uninstalled: - The currently
set login service- Login services that will be enabled after the device
is restarted- Default Authentication login servicesThe currently set
login service can be uninstalled after the device is restarted.
The currently set login service
Login services that will be enabled after the device is restarted
Default Authentication login services
The currently set login service can be uninstalled after the device is
<The file for the application to install does not exist or the file path is
incorrect. Try to specify the path again.>
<The manifest is not listed in the specified file. Check the file.>
<The file for the license to install does not exist or the file path is
incorrect. Try to specify the path again.>
<The contents of the file for the application to install are incorrect or
information is missing. Check the file.>
<The contents of the file for the license to install are incorrect or
information is missing. Check the file.>
<Cannot install this application because a code signing has not been
confirmed to be valid. Get a valid code signing.>
<Cannot install this license because the specified application and
license do not correspond. Try to specify a path for the license file
<The specified file is not system application. Check the file.>
<Cannot install this license because the number of license file ID logs
that can be saved has exceeded the limit. Contact your service
<Cannot install because a used license file is specified. Try to specify
the file again.>
<To install the specified application, a
license file must be installed at the same
time. Specify a license file.>
<The following information in the
specified application is incorrect. Check
<The following information is missing in
file for the specified application. Check
<The specified application does not
support this device.>
<The specified license does not match
this device. Specify an installable
<Cannot install this application because
an applet included in the specified
application has exceeded the area that
can be displayed in the device panel.>
<The specified file is an update file. Stop
the application that you want update and
then install the file.>
<The specified file is an update file for a
login service that is currently set. Switch
to another login service, restart the
device, and then install the file.>
install this application because
storage space has been exceeded.
Uninstall other applications and then try to
install it again.>
<Could not cancel installation. Installation
has been successfully completed.>
<The process is canceled because the
system has been shut down. Restart the
system, and then perform the process
<Cannot install the application or license
because another application is being
installed, or the firmware being updated.
Please wait a moment and then try
<Error: <Detaily chyby>>
Cannot start this application because there is no distributable software in the application. Get a
distributable software.
Problém Aplikaci nelze spustit, protože neobsahuje žádné distribuovatelné moduly.
Cannot start this application because the number of bootable applets has exceeded the limit. Start
this application after stopping other applications.
která obsahuje aplet, a poté aplikaci restartujte.
Chyby týkající se stránky [Enhanced System Application Management]