Service manual

1 - 21
(21) Number of print pages using media sensor MSPAGE (G1=xxxxx G2=xxxxx G3=xxxxx
(22) Camera direct print port connection and removal count CDIN=xxxxx
(23) User print head alignment values UR(PMe=xx PMo=xx Re=xx Ro=xx BKle= xx
BKlo= xx Ge= xx Go= xx PCe= xx PCo= xx C2e=
xx C2o= xx M2e= xx M2o= xx Ye =xx Yo= xx
M1e= xx M1o= xx C1e= xx C1o= xx)
(24) Print head alignment implementation (manual/auto/simple) REG (MN=x AT=x MG=x)
(25) Number of automatic powered on APON=x
(26) Number of automatic powered off APOFF=xxx
(27) Bidirectional print head alignment DIRREG(PM=xxx R=xxx BK=xxx G=xxx PC=xxx
C2=xxx M2=xxx Y=xxx M1=xx C1=xx)
(28) Dot count DC(PM=xxx R=xxx BK=xxx G=xxx PC=xxx C2=xxx
M2=xxx Y=xxxM1=xxx C1=xxx) M2=xxx Y=xxxM1=xxx C1=xxx)
(29) CD-R print position adjustment value CDR (xxxxx, xxxxx)
(30) CD-R sensor correction value CDRS=(xxxxx)
(31) Media sensor correction white reference paper (implemented/reflection light/diffusion light)
MSWS=(x xxx xxx)
(32) Plain paper (implemented/reflection light/diffusion light) MSPP=(x xxx xxx)
(33) Media sensor enabled/disabled MeSNS=x (1 or 0)
(34) Raw ink presence IC(PM=x R=x BK=x G=x PC=x C=x M=x Y=x)
(35) Number of page delay PD=xx
(36) Line inspection information FF(xx xx xx)
(37) Registration alignment value at factory shipment FCT_DIR (x)
(38) Version Vxxxxx
(39) Serial number SN=xxxxxxxx
(40) Lot number LN=(xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx)
(41) Print head ID ID=xx
(42) Print head alignment value among colors CLR (PM-BK= xxx PM-G= xxx PM-PC= xxx PM-C2=
x xxx PM-M2= xxx PM-Y= xxx PM-M1= xxx PM-C1=
xxx) xxx)
(43) Bidirectional print head alignment value DIRI= xxx DIR2= xxx
(44) Number of unusable nozzles
UR(PMe=xx PMo=xx Re=xx Ro=xx BKle= xx BKlo= xx
Ge= xx Go= xx PCe= xx PCo= xx C2e= xx C2o=
xx M2e= xx M2o= xxYe =xx Yo= xx M1e= xx
M1o= xx C1e= xx C1 o= xx)
(45) Dot size DS (PM=xx R=xx BK=xx G=xx PC=xx C2=xx M2=xx
Y=xx M1=xx C1=xx)
(46) PTH PTH (PM=xxx R=xxx BK=xxx G=xxx PC=xxx C2=xxx
M2=xxx Y=xxx M1=xxx C1=xxx)