Service manual

Chapter 7
7.4 Manual Feed Pickup Unit
7.4.1 Outline
Paper is picked up from the manual feed tray under the control of the CPU on the DC controller PCB and using the
drive of the main motor (M1). When the manual feed pickup solenoid (SL1) goes ON, the drive of the main motor
(M1) is transmitted as far as the manual feed pickup roller assembly to rotate the manual feed pickup roller.
The sheets of paper stacked in the manual feed tray are lifted by the work of a spring and forced against the manual
feed pickup roller. Thereafter, a single sheet of paper is separated by the work of the manual feed pickup roller and
the separation pad, and is moved as far as the registration shutter.
7.4.2 Retry Pickup
If the paper leading edge sensor (PS102) does not detect paper within a specific period of time after the manual feed
pickup roller starts to rotate, the machine will rotate the manual feed pickup roller once again to execute a retry
pickup operation. If the paper leading edge sensor (PS102) still does not detect the leading edge of paper after the
Main motor
Gear A
Gear B
Manual feed tray pickup
solenoid drive signal
Manual feed tray
pickup roller
When SL1 goes ON, the spring moves up to push up
the cam, causing the manual feed pickup roller to
rotate slightly; as a result, the gear A and the gear B
become engaged.
DC controller PCB