Getting Started Guide

Navigating the Menu and Text Input Method
About the Supplied Manuals
Getting Started (This manual):
Read this manual  rst. This manual
describes the installation of the
machine, the settings, and a caution. Be
sure to read this manual before using
the machine.
MF Driver Installation Guide (User
Software and Manuals DVD-ROM):
Read this manual next. This manual
describes software installation.
(User Software and Manuals DVD-
Read the desired chapter to suit your
needs. The e-Manual is categorized by
subject to  nd desired information easily.
Viewing the e-Manual from the DVD-
1 Insert the User Software and Manuals
DVD-ROM in your computer.
2 Click [Manuals].
3 Click [e-Manual].
Depending on the operating system you
are using, a security protection message
If the User Software and Manuals DVD-ROM
has been already inserted in your computer
and [Manuals] is not displayed, remove the
DVD-ROM and insert it again.
Connecting the Power Cord and Turning ON the Power
Do not connect the USB cable at this time. Connect it when installing software.
Navigating the Menu
Item selection or moving the cursor
among the menu items
Select an item with [] or [].
Proceed to the next hierarchy with
or []. Return to the previous hierarchy
with or [].
Setting con rmation
Press . However, when <Apply>
appears on the display, select <Apply>,
and then press .
Text Input Method
Changing entry mode
Press [] to select <Entry Mode>, and
then press
. You can also press to
change the entry mode.
Entry mode Available text
Uppercase alphabetic letters and
Lowercase alphabetic letters and
<12> Numbers
Entering text, symbols, and numbers
Enter with the numeric keys or
Moving the cursor (Entering a space)
Move with [] or []. Move the cursor
to the end of the text and press [] to
enter a space.
Deleting characters
Delete with
. Pressing and holding
deletes all characters.
Entry mode:
Entry mode:
Entry mode:
@ . - _ / 1
ABC abc 2
DEF def 3
GHI ghi 4
JKL jkl 5
MNO mno 6
PQRS pqrs 7
TUV tuv 8
WXYZ wxyz 9
(Not available) 0
(space) - . * # ! “ , ; : ^ ` _ = / |
? $ @ % & + \ ˜ ( ) [ ] { } < >
(Not available)
Menu #Clear Numeric keys