User Guide

Manuals for the Machine
Machine Set-Up
Software Installation
Starter Guide
Basic Features
Machine Settings
Basic Guide
(This Document)
Advanced Features
System Monitor
Reports and Lists
Advanced Guide
Printing Features
Scanning Features
PC Faxing Features
Software Guide
Indicates the manual is supplied in PDF format in the accompanying CD-ROM.
To view the manuals in PDF format, Adobe Reader/Acrobat Reader/Acrobat is required. If Adobe
Reader/Acrobat Reader/Acrobat is not installed on your system, please download it from the Adobe
Systems Incorporated website (
Considerable effort has been made to make sure that the manuals for the machine are free of
inaccuracies and omissions. However, as we are constantly improving our products if you need an
exact specification, please contact Canon.
The machine illustration on the cover may differ slightly from your machine.