User manual

Table Of Contents
Free Layout
Preferences Dialog Box
This dialog box appears when you select “Preferences” from the “File” menu. This allows you to congure
the preferences of Free Layout.
Set the unit for paper length, margins, and so on.
Y ou can input a grid line width value in numerical characters so that they serve as a guide to laying out objects.
Y ou can input between 10.0 and 200.0(mm) (between 0.39 and 7.88(inch)).
Y ou can change the numbers by clicking either “▲” button or “▼” button.
Y ou can change the number of divisions of grid lines so that they serve as a guide to laying out objects.
Y ou can input between 1 and 10.
Y ou can change the numbers by clicking either “▲” button or “▼” button.
“Grid Color”
Select the grid line color .
Auto Arrange Spacing
Change the object-to-object spacing to be applied in the operation of laying out objects automatically .
Y ou can input between 0.0 and 100.0(mm) (between 0.00 and 3.94(inch)).
Y ou can change the numbers by clicking either “▲” button or “▼” button.
Windows Software 395