User manual

Table Of Contents
Network Setting
Item Details
Default Setting
SMTP Server Address Specify the SMTP server s IP address.
Y ou can also specify the SMTP server
domain name, if desired.
Primary DNS Server Address Specify the IP address of the primary
DNS server .
Secondary DNS Server
Specify the IP address of the secondary
DNS server .
DNS Host Name Specify the printer host name, up to
63 characters (1-63 characters). Use
single-byte letters, numbers, and “-”
(hyphens). Do not use numbers or “-”
for the rst character or “-” for the last
character .
DNS Domain Name Specify the printer domain name, up
to 63 characters. Use single-byte
letters, numbers, “-” (hyphens), and “.”
(periods). Do not use numbers, “-” , or
“.” for the rst character , or “-” or “.” for
the last character .
Multicast DNS Service Name Specify the printer s Multicast DNS
service name. (1-63 characters)
This name will be displayed when
Bonjour functions are used.
Canon iPFxxxx (xxxxxx)
7. Click OK to display the Network page.
If you specify to congure the IP address using DHCP , BOOTP , or RARP , there must be a server that
supports such protocol running in the network.
If you specify to congure the IP address using DHCP , BOOTP , or RARP , the IP address obtained by this
method is used rst. If you cannot obtain the IP address, the address specied in IP Address is used.
It takes up to two minutes to determine whether DHCP , BOOTP , or RARP are available. W e recommend
clearing check boxes of options you will not use.
If you are using a DNS server , select Enable DNS Dynamic Update and enter the IP Address for DNS
servers, DNS host name, and DNS domain name in Primary DNS Server Address , Secondary DNS
Server Address , DNS Host Name , and DNS Domain Name , respectively .
Network Setting 571