User manual

Table Of Contents
Control Panel
Use IPv6
Stateful Address
Prex Length
Primary DNS Server
Use DHCPv6
Secondary DNS Server
Stateless Address 1
Prex Length 1
Stateless Address 2
Prex Length 2
Stateless Address 3
Prex Length 3
Stateless Address 4
Prex Length 4
Stateless Address 5
Prex Length 5
Stateless Address 6
Use a stateless address
Prex Length 6
Link-Local AddressUse a link-local Address
Prex Length
IP Address
Prex Length
Default Router Address
Prex Length
Primary DNS Server
Use a manual address
Secondary DNS Server
DNS Host NameUse the same host name
and domain name as IPv4
DNS Domain Name
Perform dynamic updating of stateful addresses
Dynamically update the stateless address
Dynamically update the manual address
IPv6 settings values.
Printer Parts 67