iPF840 User's Guide Ver.1.00

Holding the Roll Holder so that the side with the white gear
faces the side of the Roll Holder Slot with a white gear,
load the Roll Holder shaft (a) into the grooves (b) on both
ends of the Roll Holder Slot.
Be careful not to drop the roll and hurt yourself when loading it.
Be careful not to pinch your fingers between the Roll Holder shaft (a) and the guide grooves (b) when
loading rolls.
For instructions on attaching the Roll Holder to rolls, see "Attaching the Roll Holder to Rolls." P.342
Pull out the roll evenly on both ends and insert it in the Pa-
per Feed Slot (a). Advance the roll until the buzzer sounds.
Be careful not to soil the printing surface of roll paper as you insert it in the slot. This may affect the
printing quality. We recommend wearing clean cloth gloves when handling rolls to protect the printing
If the paper is wrinkled or warped, straighten it out before loading it.
Load the roll so that there is no gap between the right
edge of the paper and the Roll Holder.
Loading Rolls in the Printer
User's Guide
Handling and Use of Paper Handling rolls