iPF840 User's Guide Ver.1.00

Setting Item Description, Instructions
Keep Paper Size Choose On to use the paper size setting as the basis for
printing instead of other settings. The margin setting of the
printer menu will be used instead of the margin setting of
the printer driver if the latter is smaller, which may prevent
text or images in the margin from being printed.
Choose Off to give priority to margin settings. The larger
value is used if the margin specified in the printer driver
does not match the margin in the printer menu.
Roll Switching If you have selected Use Optimal Size, printing is per-
formed by selecting the paper size that minimizes waste
If you have selected No RollSwitching, printing is per-
formed on the paper fed to the platen.
TrimEdge Reload Specify whether to trim the leading edge of the currently
retracted roll when the roll is advanced. Cut the edge if
you are concerned about any marks left on the roll when
the roll is left in the retracted position.
Specify On to have rolls cut when printing begins after
Sleep mode or when the power is restored. Selecting Au-
tomatic will trim the edge when the roll has been in the
retracted position for two days or more.
Rep.P.head Print If you have selected On, the adjustment pattern is printed
after replacing the Printhead and Printhead adjustment is
performed. (See "Automatic Adjustment to Straighten
Lines and Colors.") P.550
Nozzle Check In Frequency, specify the timing for automatic checks of
nozzle clogging. Choose Standard to have the printer ad-
just the timing for checks based on the frequency of noz-
zle use. Choose 1 page to check once per page. Choose
10 pages to check once per 10 pages. Choose Off to not
execute check.
If On is selected in Warning, a warning may be displayed
on the Control Panel depending on the result of the nozzle
CarriageScanWdth Specify the scan width of the carriage during printing. Se-
lect Automatic for movement equivalent to the width of
paper loaded. Selecting Fixed will reduce any soiling on
the back of the paper, although printing may take a little
Use USB When Off is selected, the device can no longer be ac-
cessed via USB.
Use Ethernet When Off is selected, the device can no longer be ac-
cessed via Ethernet.
Use RemoteUI Choosing Off prohibits access from RemoteUI. Settings
can only be configured from the control panel.
Menu Settings
User's Guide
Control Panel Printer Menu