Guide for Accounting Manager (Mac)

(4) Job Cost List Area
Items including Cost, Account ID, Document Name, Printing Results, Media Type, and Paper
Consumed appear.
The cost of printing.
Total cost of job: (ink + paper + other costs)
If the cost cannot be calculated because the ink and paper unit costs have not be set, *** appears.
Printer Name
The name of the printer that printed the job appears.
Account ID
The Account ID set for the job appears.
When the user of the printer (person printing) prints, the user must specify identifying information
for who sent the job (Account ID or Owner).
For details, see the User Manual for your model from the Home of the Online Manual.
Document Name
This is the name of the printed document.
Printing Results
The printing results for the job appears.
Displays Complete if the printing is executed, Canceled if the printing is not executed, Error if an
error occurs, and Warning if an error occurs in the print job data.
Media Type
This is the type of paper used in printing.