Guide for Accounting Manager (Mac)

Search Method
Select the printer search method.
IP Address
Enter an IP address.
Disabled if something other than IPv4 or IPv6 is selected in Search Method.
Search button
Searches for printers using the selected Search Method.
Printer List
A list of printers found appears.
The model names of the printers found appears.
Serial Number
The serial numbers of printers found appear.
The found printer address information (connection) appears.
The printer's IP address appears for IPv4 and IPv6 connections, and the USB port name appears
for USB-connected printers.
Stop Searching button
Click to stop the search.
The search stops after waiting until the information acquisition is completed for printers that have
been found already.
Add button
Closes the Add Printer dialog box.
Printers selected in the printer list appear in Printer List of the Printer Management dialog box as
managed printers.