Guide for Accounting Manager (Windows)

The items shown vary depending on your model.
In the Preferences Dialog Box, set the number of jobs, items, and sort order displayed in the Job
Cost list.
If all of the jobs extracted based on the filtering criteria do not fill up the configured number of jobs,
they all appear on one page. The most recent job logs on the first page appears if the configured
number of jobs is exceeded. The portion exceeding the configured number of jobs appears on the
second and subsequent pages.
If overflow occurs in the calculation results, --- appears.
(5) Status Bar
Messages including notifications that job log acquisition errors have occurred, descriptions of functions,
job selection status, and last update date/time appear.
Main Menu (Menu Bar)
Select the menu items for the necessary operations.
File Menu
View Menu
Tools Menu
Help Menu
File Menu
Manage Printer
The Printer Management Dialog Box appears.
Register and unregister managed printers, and change settings for managed printers in the
Printer Management dialog box.