Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Windows)

Drying time (Overall)
A drying interval is added for each line from printing start to end.
Drying time (leading edge only)
A drying interval is added for each line at the edge of the paper.
A band of uneven color may appear on the border between the areas with and without
drying time.
Cut-dust Reduction
Selecting On applies ink at the cutting position when cutting paper and reduces the scattering
of cut waste.
Also, on paper with paste, it makes it difficult for the paste to adhere to the cutter and prevents
deterioration of cutter cutting performance.
Roll Paper Tension (Feeding)
Select the slack of roll paper at feeding.
Roll Paper Tension (Printing)
Select the slack of roll paper at printing.
Roll Paper Tension (Taking up)
Select the slack of roll paper at winding.
Skew Detection Accuracy
For paper without a fixed width, select Loose to lower the precision of the paper skew detection
function or select Off to disable the skew detection function.
However, if Off is selected and the paper skew is set, a paper jam can occur, and the platen
can become dirty.
Advanced Paper Settings sheet