Owner's Manual

MetaConsole for Unicenter NSM: Getting Started for Canon Guide 12
Starting the MetaConsole Server After Installation
Note: The MetaConsole installation procedure does not start the MetaConsole server.
To use MetaConsole immediately after installation, you must manually start the
MetaConsole server.
To start the MetaConsole server on Windows:
1. Click the Start button, point to Programs, and then point to MetaConsole.
2. Do one of the following:
To run the MetaConsole server as a program, click RunMetaConsole.
To run the MetaConsole server as a service, click StartService.
To start the MetaConsole server on HP-UX, Linux, and Solaris:
1. Change to the installation directory.
2. Execute
Uninstalling MetaConsole Components
On Windows platforms, you can uninstall MetaConsole components using Add/Remove
Programs in Control Panel (they are listed under MetaConsole). Or you can use the
Uninstaller command:
1. Click the Start button, point to Programs, and then point to MetaConsole.
2. Click Uninstaller.
On HP-UX, Solaris, and Linux, you uninstall MetaConsole components by executing the
Uninstaller command:
1. Change to the
Uninstall directory under the installation directory.
Uninstall is case sensitive.
2. Execute
Installing MSSQL Database
A simple database for storing alarm information is automatically installed with
MetaConsole. The Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database can be used by the MetaConsole
server to store alarm information. The following instructions describe how to configure
the MetaConsole server to log alarms to a MSSQL database.
1. From http://www.microsoft.com/sql/downloads
, download the JDBC driver for SQL
Server 2000 for Windows.
2. Install the JDBC driver by executing the downloaded file.
The installation program create a
lib subdirectory that contains the jar files
mssqldriver.jar, msutil.jar, and msbase.jar.
3. Copy the three jar files listed in step 2 into the
MetaConsole/lib directory.