Owner's Manual

MetaConsole for Unicenter NSM: Getting Started for Canon Guide 15
Chapter 4. Client for Unicenter WorldView
MetaConsole adds a MetaConsole Devices folder to the Unicenter 2D Map. (This
chapter assumes that MetaConsole discovery is used. See NetaphorDiscover on
page 24.)
Folders have nodes, some of which reveal sub-folders. There are four levels of
MetaConsole-related nodes.
Top Level Second Level Third Level Fourth Level
One for all of MetaConsole (terminal node)
One per MetaConsole server
One per MetaConsole server
(terminal node)
One per service provider
One per service
(terminal node)
One per device
(terminal node)
Device icons and
the mapping of
status to icon
background color
are specific to the
service provider.
A node with no sub-folders is a terminal node, which you can use to open a browser
displaying the MetaConsole client.
Note: There might be a delay; the browser does not open until the submap is fully
To view information or change settings for MetaConsole, a MetaConsole server, or
a service provider, right-click the appropriate configuration node, and on the menu
that appears, click Configure. (This chapter describes configuration information
and options.)