Owner's Manual

MetaConsole for Unicenter NSM: Getting Started for Canon Guide 25
Chapter 6. Troubleshooting
MetaConsole for Unicenter SnapIn Not Installed
The “Typical” installation does not include the MetaConsole for Unicenter SnapIn. You
must choose the snapin explicitly, which changes the type of installation to “Custom.”
Discovered Devices Not in Service Provider’s Submap
To ensure that all devices on the service provider’s submap are visible, right click the
background of the service provider’s window, and on the Arrange Objects menu that
appears, click an arrangement type.
When a device is added to a service provider while the 2D Map is running, the service
provider’s window is open, and there is already a device in the window, the new device
may be placed on top of the existing device icon. The old device may no longer be seen.
Resizing the window, zooming in and out, or closing and reopening the window do not
show the hidden icon. The arrange objects procedure in the previous paragraph does
show all devices.
MetaConsole Devices Icon Not in 2D Map
From Control Panel or Administrator Tools, depending on your version of Windows,
verify that the MetaConsole for Unicenter SnapIn service exists and is running. If the
service is missing, uninstalling and reinstalling is the safest way to correct the problem.
Be sure to explicitly select the MetaConsole for Unicenter SnapIn during installation as
described under MetaConsole for Unicenter SnapIn Not Installed, above. If the
service exists but is not running, start it. If the service is running, stop and restart it.
If the 2D Map is already up when MetaConsole for Unicenter adds the root MetaConsole
object, the object is not shown, nor are any of its subordinate objects. Stop and restart the
2D Map to view the root MetaConsole object.
The 2D Map does not show instances of any classes that are added after the 2D Map is
already running. If any operation takes place that involves adding classes while the 2D
Map is running, the 2D Map must be stopped and restarted. The 2D Map should be
started after MetaConsole server and MetaConsole Unicenter SnapIn have been started.
If the 2D Map is run after the MetaConsole server and the MetaConsole Unicenter
SnapIn are running and the MetaConsole Devices icon does not appear, stop and then
restart the MetaConsole server and the MetaConsole Unicenter SnapIn.