Owner's Manual

MetaConsole for Unicenter NSM: Getting Started for Canon Guide 26
If the 2D Map is run after you stop and restart the MetaConsole server and the
MetaConsole Unicenter SnapIn, and the MetaConsole Devices icon still does not appear,
contact Technical Support. To determine what is wrong, Technical Support will require a
log from the MetaConsole Unicenter SnapIn service. To obtain this log, change the
LogToFile option in
(see Chapter 5) from false to true and then
stop and restart the MetaConsole server and the MetaConsole Unicenter SnapIn service.
After they have been running for a few minutes, open the
file console.log using a
text editor and see if anything has been logged. Make a copy of this file to provide to
Technical Support. Both
console.properties and console.log are in the Uni
folder in the MetaConsole folder. The location of the MetaConsole folder was selected
during installation.
Old MetaConsole Classes or Objects Exist
If you upgrade from an earlier version of MetaConsole for Unicenter, you should
uninstall the old version MetaConsole and then recreate the repository before installing
the new version of MetaConsole. Ordinarily, uninstalling MetaConsole removes the old
MetaConsole classes and objects from the repository, but recreating the repository
guarantees that no old classes or objects are left around to cause conflicts.