Operation Guide

Flow of Basic Operations
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Specify the Destination
Press [Address Book] select destination press [OK].
Press [Address Book].
If you are sending to only one destination, select a destination. If you
are sending to multiple destinations, select the destinations press
Start Sending
After specifying the settings, press (Start).
Press (Start).
When sending is complete, remove your originals.
You can specify the destination using the one-
touch buttons or frequently used settings. Also,
if you want to send to a new destination not
yet stored, press [New Destination] enter the
After a job is sent, the send settings may be
retained except the speci ed destinations.
To cancel the settings, press
To send other jobs with the same settings,
specify destinations for the jobs as the
destination speci ed for the previous job is not
If the following screen appears, press (Start)
to scan the next original. After all of the originals
are scanned, press [Start Sending].
For more information on storing the destination
in the address book, see e-Manual > Scan and