Operation Guide

Routine Maintenance
Preparing the Envelopes
This section explains how to prepare the envelopes before loading them into the paper drawer.
If envelopes are not neatly aligned before being loaded, a problem with the paper supply or a paper jam may occur. Fix any curls
or bends before loading the envelopes.
Take ve envelopes, loosen them as shown, and then stack them together.
Repeat this step  ve times for each set of  ve envelopes.
Place the envelopes on a clean, level surface, and press all the way around the
envelopes by hand, in the direction of the arrows, to remove any curls.
Repeat this step  ve times for each set of  ve envelopes.
Hold down the four corners of the envelopes  rmly, so that they and the sealed
or glued portion stay  at.
* Flap