User manual

Control Panel
GL2 Settings
Setting Item Description, Instructions
GL2 Replot Print the last printed job (still stored in the printer memory) again.
GL2 BufferClear Delete the last job printed using HP-GL/2, still stored in the printer memory .
Color Mode Choose the color mode.
Print Quality Choose the print quality .
Input Reso. Choose the printer input resolution, 600dpi or 300dpi .
Media Source Choose the media source for HP-GL/2 printing.
Conserve Paper Conserves paper when printing.
End Point Shape Choose the shape of the end point, determined by Software or Rounded .
If you choose Software
Operation is determined by the application. If nothing is specied by the
application, the result is as shown in the gure.
If you choose Rounded
Smoothing Choose whether to print arcs as smooth curved lines or as multiple connected
line segments.
If you choose Software
Operation is determined by the application. If nothing is specied by the
application, the result is as shown in the gure.
Note: By default, this is a 72-sided gure
If you choose Smooth
Line W idth Choose the width for printing lines if no width is specied in the data. Dots in the
line width are 300 dpi each.
ThicknFineLines Select On to print ne lines more distinctly .
Adj Faint Lines If ne lines are printed in colors that do not match the colors of other shapes,
selecting Off may help produce the expected results. However , lines in some
colors may appear broken.
Printer Parts 55