Setup guide

Safety Considerations
Warning Indications
Warning IndicationsWarning Indications
Warning Indications
The laser unit inside the machine emits laser light. Under no circumstances open the
The laser unit inside the machine emits laser light. Under no circumstances open the The laser unit inside the machine emits laser light. Under no circumstances open the
The laser unit inside the machine emits laser light. Under no circumstances open the
cover of the laser unit or remove the label attached to the cover. If the laser light escapes
cover of the laser unit or remove the label attached to the cover. If the laser light escapes cover of the laser unit or remove the label attached to the cover. If the laser light escapes
cover of the laser unit or remove the label attached to the cover. If the laser light escapes
from the machine, exposure may cause serious damage to your eyes.
from the machine, exposure may cause serious damage to your eyes.from the machine, exposure may cause serious damage to your eyes.
from the machine, exposure may cause serious damage to your eyes.