
I To Register Sender’s Identification 3
II Sending Documents 4
III Setting Up Speed Dialing
A One-touch Speed Dial 5
B Coded Speed Dial 6
C Group Dial 7
IV To Erase Auto-Dialing Numbers
A One-touch Speed Dial 8
B Coded Speed Dial 8
C Group Dial 8
V Sending To More Than One Location 9
(Sequential Broadcasting)
VI Sending At A Preset Time 10
(Delayed Transmission)
VII To Print Documents Received In The Memory 11
VIII To Re-send Documents Received In Memory 12
To A Different Destination
(If No. VII method above is not possible)
IX To Print Reports & Lists
A Speed Dial Lists 13
B Activity Management Report 13
C Document Memory List 13
X To Make A Photocopy 14
XI Setting Up Transmission (TX) Report
For Every Document Sent Out 15
XII Erasing A Document That Is Queuing To Be Sent
From The Memory 16