User`s manual

T460/461/T462 Manual 26th Sept 2008. V2.79 Part B © JED Microprocessors Pty Ltd
Optoma seem confused about the range of the on-board audio volume setting. There is NO indication on the projected screen
image of the audio level, but we find that the working range is 0 to 15 as shown on the T460 screen. (The projector shows a
range of 0 to 10 in the “Management” menu, from Off to Full. The documentation supplied says it is 000 to 030!)
Aspect ratio is included. Use source names: “Set reg 4:3” and “Set reg 16:9”, and seems to work with no issues.
MuteOn/Mute Off and Freeze On/Off and Mute On/Off keyboards are supported, and work normally. Lamp hours are shown at
startup. Reply mode is available. Two-yellow-button mute mode is implemented.
Optoma: Group 6: EP1690
The following table shows the mapping of T460 channel number, the string sent, and the input associated with that channel in
the manual, and how it is identified on the on-screen menu:
T460 Channel TX code Input name in manual Function as identified on screen
1 ID00IR031 D-SUB 1 VGA1
2 ID00IR032 D-SUB 2 VGA2
3 ID00IR034 Composite Video PAL (Note: same as for S-Video!)
4 ID00IR033 S-Video PAL (Note: same as for Video!)
Don’t forget to set all unused T460 channels to “Skip” to jump over blank/unused inputs.
The “Source Lock” option in the “Options” menu MUST be turned ON (to stop the projector searching for other
channels when an input is dropped.)
This projector puts lots of messages on the screen which are sometimes NOT automatically cleared after a time period.
Channel change messages are cleared as soon as a valid signal is detected, but will stay until this time.
Volume change messages are NOT cleared automatically, and a line, a volume bar graph and a volume number appear and stay
just below mid-screen. To clear this message when using the projector for audio switching and level control, set FLAG4->1
and this will automatically send a “OSD Reset” command 5 seconds after each volume change. It takes the projector up to 17
seconds to clear the messages, and a couple of screen off and on cycles occur during this time. If this is not acceptable, we
suggest the use of the T461 audio mixer/attenuator.
Aspect ratio is included. Use source names: “Set reg 4:3” and “Set reg 16:9”. However, this also has on screen display issues,
in that an aspect ratio message appears mid-screen and stays. (The “OSD Reset” command does NOT help, as sending
this command actually changes the screen aspect ratio back to 16/9! Weird! Changing channels also reverts the display
mode to 16/9.) Optoma (in Australia, distributor Amber Technology) are organising a projector software update service which
will apparently correct these display message problems. Contact them for an update. When this update is installed, it will not be
necessary to set FLAG4.
MuteOn/Mute Off and Freeze On/Off and Mute On/Off keyboards are supported, and work normally.
So as it stands, the Optoma EP1690 works well and appears reliable with a JED controller with a T461 for audio, or with
MuteOn/Mute Off and Freeze On/Off and Mute On/Off keyboards.
RS232 connections to 3-Pin DIN Optoma/Acer projectors.
Mini-DIN 3 socket on projector. Coms at: 9600 DP8N1
Function/Direction T460 “projector”
Optoma/Acer Serial Port
Ground Ground Mini-DIN 3 pin 3 (Gnd)
Data from T460 to projector Tx Mini-DIN 3 pin 1 or 2 (RXD)
Reply data from projector to T460 Rx Mini-DIN 3 pin 2 or 1 (TXD)
Mini-DIN 3
solder side