User`s manual

T460/461/T462 Manual 26th Sept 2008. V2.79 Part B © JED Microprocessors Pty Ltd
Plus projector U4-136 (and probably all others in U4 family)
The following table shows the mapping of T460 channel number, the string sent, and the input associated with that channel in
the manual, and how it is identified on the on-screen menu:
T460 Channel TX codes bytes 6,7,8 Input name in manual Function as identified on screen
1 0A1h, 0C3h, 0F8h PC Card PC Card
2 094h, 0C4h, 0DDh PC PC
3 0DCh, 0C5h, 0D5h Video Video
4 0A7h, 0C4h, 0DEh S-Video S-Video
Don’t forget to set all unused T460 channels to “Skip” to jump over blank/unused inputs.
Disable the “Auto Source” function in the projector so it accepts remote RS232 commands.
Plus projector U5-132, U5-232, U5-332, U5-432, U7-132, U7-137
This family of projectors can be operated at 115,200 baud or 19,200 baud. As shipped from Plus, communications is at 115,200
baud, and must be set using a PC to 19,200 for use with a T460. (The T460 does NOT have a 115,200 baud option.)
It can be switched to operate at 19,200 by the following sequence:
Connect to a PC via a straight-though serial cable and run HyperTerminal, setting it up to run at 115,200 baud, 8 bit data, 1
start, 1 stop, no parity, no hardware handshake (8N1). (Unless you have enabled “local echo”, you will not see the characters as
you type them. You can enable echo by going to File->Properties->Settings->ASCII Setup and ticking Echo typed
characters locally.) HyperTerminal is found under Accessories or Programs in the Windows system or can be downloaded
Verify communications by typing #QS(CR)(LF) (The “QS” must be upper case. The CR and LF must follow. Send a CR with
the ENTER key, and send the LF by holding down CTRL and pressing ENTER.) The projector should reply with its status, eg
#QS2 if OFF, and #QS6 if warmed up and running.
If, OFF, the projector can be turned ON with the #P1(CR)(LF) command. (The character after the P is a numeric 1.)
Now set it to 19,200 baud by sending a command #CL(CR)(LF) from a PC running HyperTerminal at 115,200 baud. (It will
switch immediately, so the reply will be gibberish.)
Now terminate the HyperTerminal session at 115,200 baud and restart it at 19200 baud, (8N1, no handshake, local echo
enabled). Type #QS(CR)(LF) and verify status reply at 19,200 baud. A #P0(CR)(LF) command powers down the U5. (The
character after the P is a numeric 0.) (The U5 can be reset to 115,200 baud with a #CH(CR)(LF) command.)
The baud rate is held in projector non-volatile memory, so the baud rate setting to 19,200 need be done only once. (These
commands are in Release N of the manual).
The following table shows the mapping of T460 channel number, the string sent, and the input associated with that channel in
the manual, and how it is identified on the on-screen menu:
T460 Channel TX string Input name in manual Function as identified on screen
1 #SR 0Dh, 0Ah RGB or DVI RGB (U5) DVI (U7)
2 #SA 0Dh, 0Ah RGB 2 (also via DVI) RGB (U7 only)
3 #SV 0Dh, 0Ah Comp Video Video
4 #SS 0Dh, 0Ah S-VIDEO S-Video
5 #SN 0Dh, 0Ah NETWORK NETWORK (we think!?)
Don’t forget to set all unused T460 channels to “Skip” to jump over blank/unused inputs.
U5: You MUST enable the “Auto Source” function in the projector (“Setup” menu) so it does not hang up waiting for
signals on channels without incoming data when switched by a remote RS232 commands. Also set the “Input Format” to
auto for all channels (“Setup” menu). Please inform customers/users that if they select a channel that does NOT have a valid
signal, the projector will switch to the next available channel. To set to the desired channel, allow a channel to have data before
switching to it. (The need to leave “Auto” enabled is a peculiarity of the U5, and is a better choice than allowing the projector
to “hang up” on a channel without a signal.) (This may have been fixed in firmware upgrades to the U5.)