Operation Manual

<Auto Oine>
If scan is not performed within a specied period of time after the scr
een below is displayed (the machine is
set online for scanning), the machine automatically becomes oine. Specify the time period at which the
machine becomes oine.
<Set This Function>
<Set Time>
1 to 5 to 60 (min.)
<Menu> <Function Settings> <Common> <Scan Settings> <Auto Oine> Select <On> in
<Set This Function> Enter the time in <Set Time> <Apply>
<Generate File>
e le generation settings.
<Output File Image Settings>
Specify settings for the gamma value for converting scanned originals into les.
CbCr TX Gamma Value>
Select the gamma value used when converting scanned color originals into the specied le format. You can
specify the same gamma value as that of the monitor which is to be used for viewing the converted les. The
les are displayed with brightness that is true to the original documents.
<Gamma 1.0>
<Gamma 1.4>
<Gamma 1.8>
<Gamma 2.2>
<Menu> <Function Settings> <Common> <Generate File> <Output File Image Settings>
<YCbCr TX Gamma Value> Select the gamma value
For the gamma value of a monitor display
, see the instruction manual included with the display.
Setting Menu List