Operation Manual

This item has no effect on PDF or PS print data.
you set this item to <Off> when printing documents that contain light-colored text, the text is printed
thinner than when <On> is selected, so it may be more or less illegible.
Even when this item is set to <Off>, the print result may be such that text looks emphasized. If so, also set
<Advanced Smoothing> to <Off>.
<Advanced Smoothing>(P. 498)
Specify the page layout settings such as binding position and margin values.
<Binding Location>
If you ar
e binding the printouts with a binding tool such as a stapler, use this item to specify whether to bind
on the long or short edge. Specify the setting of this item in combination with <Gutter>, which species the
binding margin to apply to the binding position.
<Long Edge>
<Short Edge>
<Menu> <Function Settings> <Printer> <Printer Settings> <Layout> <Binding
Location> Select <Long Edge> or <Short Edge>
<Long Edge>
Specify this to bind on the long edge of paper.
<Short Edge>
Specify this to bind on the short edge of paper.
Shift the print position to adjust the binding mar
gin to apply to the binding edge specied by <Binding
Location>. The value "00.0" exerts no effect on the binding margin.
-50.0 to 00.0
to +50.0 (mm)
<Menu> <Function Settings> <Printer> <Printer Settings> <Layout> <Gutter> Specify
the binding mar
Setting Menu List