Operation Manual

Set a JapanColor pr
ole. Data is printed in the color tones closest to those of the Japanese printing standard.
<U.S. Web Coated v1.00(Canon)>
Set a U.S. Web Coated prole. Data is printed in the color tones closest to those of the U.S. printing standard.
<Euro Standard v1.00(Canon)>
Set a Euro Standard prole. Data is printed in the color tones closest to those of the European printing
Prints CMYK data by using a device-dependent CMYK color model without applying the CMYK simulation prole.
When <None> is selected, the dark color gr
adation may become uneven depending on data.
<Use Grayscale Prole>
Specify whether to convert gray data to CMYK data using the grayscale prole of the machine.
<Menu> <Function Settings> <Printer> <Printer Settings> <PS> <Use Grayscale Pr
Select <Off> or <On>
if <On> is selected, data is printed using only the K (black) toner depending on the setting of <Output
Prole> or <Pure Black Text>.
<Output Prole>
Select the appropriate prole for the print data. This option can be specied for each image type in any one
<TR Normal>
<TR Photo>
<TR Normal>
<TR Photo>
Setting Menu List