Operation Manual

Type of image
Select the object for which to change the setting. <T
ext> represents letters and characters, <Graphics>
represents lines and gures, and <Image> represents photos and images.
Setting value
oduces a ne print with clear edges of text. It is suitable for printing characters and ne lines.
Produces a print with smooth gradation or smooth edges. It is suitable for printing gures or graphs
containing gradation areas.
Adjust the brightness of the entire image in increments of 5%. The lower the setting value is, the brighter the
image or text becomes. The greater the setting value is, the darker the image or text becomes.
85 to 100
to 115 (%)
<Menu> <Function Settings> <Printer> <Printer Settings> <PDF> <Brightness> Adjust
the brightness
<Composite Overprint>
Specify whether to o
verprint CMYK data, with overprint specied, as composite output.
<Menu> <Function Settings> <Printer> <Printer Settings> <PDF> <Composite
Overprint> Select <Off> or <On>
Overprinting using special colors is not permitted.
ayscale Conversion>
Specify the way of printing color data in black and white.
<Uniform RGB>
Setting Menu List