Operation Manual

<Data Management>
The settings for utilizing the machine settings and for initializing data ar
e listed with descriptions. Default settings are
marked with a dagger (
<Import/Export>(P. 573)
<Enable Prod. Ext'd Survey Prog.>(P. 574)
<Initialize Key and Certicate>(P
. 574)
<Initialize Address Book>(P. 574)
<Initialize Menu>(P. 574)
Asterisks (
Settings mark
ed with "
" cannot be imported or exported.
ou can use a USB memory device to import and export data in the Address Book and various settings of the machine.
<Menu> <Management Settings> <Data Management> <Import/Export> <Import>
<Yes> Enter the password <Apply>
<Menu> <Management Settings> <Data Management> <Import/Export> <Export>
Enter the password <Apply> Enter the password (Conrm) <Apply>
If the <Address Book PIN> screen appears
If a PIN has been set for the Addr
ess Book, the <Address Book PIN> screen appears during importing/
exporting. Enter the Address Book PIN and select <Apply>. Select <Skip> to cancel Address Book data
When import is executed
The machine automatically restarts after the import process has nished.
Setting Menu List