Operation Manual

Viewing the Counter Value
ou can check separate totals for the number of pages used for color printouts and black and white printouts. These
totals include faxes, reports, and lists, in addition to copies and printouts of data from computers.
MF735Cx / MF635Cx
<Check Counter> Check the number of pages printed
<113: Total (Black & White/Small)>
Displays the total number of pages copied and printed in black and white.
<123: T
otal (Full Color + Single Color/Small)>
Displays the total number of pages copied and printed in color.
<501: Scan (Total 1)>
Displays the total number of pages scanned.
<301: Print (Total 1)>
Displays the total number of pages printed.
<Monitoring Service> enables communication with a r
emote monitoring server. Execution of this item
enables information about the machine to be periodically sent to the remote monitoring server
connected to the machine.
<Check Dev. Cong.> enables you to check the optional units installed on the machine.
MF734Cdw / MF732Cdw / MF633Cdw / MF631Cn
<Status Monitor> <Device Information> <Check Counter> Check the number of pages
<113: Total (Black & White/Small)>
Displays the total number of pages copied and printed in black and white.