Operation Manual

Going Digital
Digitalizing a document enables editing using a computer as well as reducing cost and time by using e-mail.
Scan and E-Mail Scan and Share
E-mail scanned originals without even turning on
your computer. Just convert your scanned original
into an e-mail attachment right fr
om the machine. If
you're one of those people who'd rather send a fax
than mess around with a computer, this feature is for
Basic Operations for Scanning Originals(P. 281)
Say you've got a paper copy of a report for a company-wide
meeting. Scan it, convert it, and no
w everyone can see it.
It's saved directly in a shared folder on your network, so
there's no need to print out copies and pass them out. Once
you start talking about hundreds of pages of documents
that everyone needs, there's just no other way to go.
Basic Operations for Scanning Originals(P. 281)
Scan Only What You Need Searchable PDFs