Printing Guide

Control Codes
Getting Started
Control Codes
This section provides examples of commands that can be used to create bar codes.
PCL Escape Sequences
The escape sequence controls the character strings (Hexa: 1B or Dec: 27) that begin with
<Esc>. By embedding and sending these character strings to this Bar Code Printing function
in an unprintable, special character code, you can control details, such as the bar code size,
as well as the caption text font and the space between the characters.
The following is an example of a valid PCL escape sequence:
Bar Code Rotation Codes
To rotate a bar code, you can use regular PCL rotation commands. We recommend that
you save the cursor position before activating the bar code, and restore the original cursor
position after the bar code is rotated.
Example: (Sequences should be entered without carriage returns.)
s4p: Readable text that is located under the bars, without start or stop characters (*)
102h: Caption text in Univers Regular
40v: Bar height: 40 points
Formula: 40/72 = 0.555"
40*2.54/72 = 1.41 cm
10,30b: Thin bars that are 10 dots wide, and thick bars that are 30 dots wide
10,30s: Thin spaces that are 10 dots wide, and thick spaces that are 30 dots wide
24670T: Symbol: code 39
<Esc>&fS Saves the cursor position.
<Esc>&a1000h1000V Positions the cursor.
<Esc>&a90P Rotates the bar code 90°.
<Esc>(s4p102h40v10,30b10,30s24670T Formats the bar code.
CANON The bar code text data.
<Esc>(10U<Esc>(sp10hsb4099T Switches back to Courier 10 cpi font.
<Esc>&aP Stops the rotation.
<Esc>&lf1S Restores the original cursor position.