Printing Guide

Bar Code Usages and Formats
Bar Code Symbols and Formats
UPS MaxiCode expects the secondary message to be padded with a total of 84 fill characters. The
Bar Code Printing function automatically pads the data to the right of the MaxiCode. (The fill
character is '!' ASCII 33, HEX 21.)
The secondary message cannot be longer than 84 characters. Therefore, the destination
s address
length must be truncated if the total length of the secondary message is greater than 84 characters.
A destination address is optional in the MaxiCode data. If the MaxiCode data is too long, the Bar
Code Printing function will not print the MaxiCode, and instead prints an error message indicating
how many characters exceeded the maximum length of 84.
Blank fields must also include the <Gs> separator.
After the <Eot> character, the application must immediately send a PCL escape sequence to
switch to a font other than MaxiCode.
The following is the escape sequence for switching from MaxiCode to Courier font 10CPI:
If you use a character set other than PC-8, you should resend the character set selection
before selecting the new font.