Printing Guide

Bar Code Usages and Formats
Bar Code Symbols and Formats
Electronic and Safety Symbols
Escape Sequence: <Esc>(10Q<Esc>(s1p<size>vs3b10400T
<size> is the symbol size in points (1/72").
Odette Transport Label Macros
The Bar Code Printing function contains the VDA 4902/Odette label used in the automobile
industry. This label is included as a PCL5 macro that is retrieved from any application which
uses its number.
If you are using the Macro TTF font:
- Install the Macro Exec TTF font, and then enter the macro number using it.
If you are using PCL5 commands:
- To print one empty label on the page, send the following sequence at the
beginning of the page:
- To print two empty labels on the page, send the following sequence at the
beginning of the page:
### must be replaced by the three digit macro number (see the table below).
'~' in the PCL escape sequences above is the FreeScape character. Replace it with its new value if it
has been changed to another value through the <Esc>**#J escape sequence or from the FreeScape
V3 German V3 English V3 French V3 Italian V3 Spanish V4 English V4 German
300 301 302 303 304 311 312