
Operating Mk2500PC
Loading Additional Data
You can add data to a specified position in the data list.
1 Select the file you want to add, and then click the [Open].
The Open dialog box appears.
2 Select the file you want to add, and then click the [Open].
The data in the selected file is added at the cursor position.
Saving Data Lists
Overwriting when saving
Click [Save] in the [File] menu or click the button.
The file you are editing is overwritten.
If “Untitled” appears in the title bar, the Save As dialog box appears. For details
about saving the file, refer to “Saving a file with a new name” (P.25).
If you attempt to open an existing file with the old format, it is replaced with the file
with the new format (.md3). Accordingly, selecting [Save] displays the Save As
dialog box. The file saved in the new format cannot be opened by the old version
of software.