User`s guide

There are two methods for retrieving character data that has been stored in les: “New” and “Add”.
Loading with “New”
When character data (le) is retrieved, the character data that is currently displayed is deleted and is replaced
with the retrieved character data.
Loading with Add”
When the character data (le) is loaded, it is added following the last page of the data that is currently
It is possible to load the settings associated with character data as well as the chracter data itself. For example,
if wide character spacing was set for some character data that was saved, there are two possibilities for loading
as shown below.
Loading with “Text only” specified
Only character data is loaded. For example, if narrow character spacing is set for the character data that is
currently displayed, the original wide character spacing setting of the character data that is being loaded is
ignored and standard character spacing is used.
Loading with “Text + settings” specified
Both character data and associated settings are loaded together. For example, even if narrow character spacing
is set for the character data that is currently displayed, the character data that is loaded is displayed with its
original wide character spacing. Note that when loading with “Add”, the settings of previously input character
data are not affected.
ex. Append the character data in the file “Switch 1” inside “Folder 2” to the character data
that is currently being displayed, and load the settings also.
The file operation selection display appears.
The retrieval selection display appears.
If no les have been saved, the message “No les.” appears, and then the display
returns to the character input display.
The Add selection display appears.