Operation Manual

Using this function slows down the print speed.
Rotate 90 degrees left when orientation is [Landscape]
On the Page Setup tab, you can change the rotation direction of the Landscape in
the Orientation.
To rotate the print data 90 degrees to the left during printing, select this item. To
rotate the print data 90 degrees to the right during printing, clear this item.
Do not change this setting while the print job is displayed in the print wait list.
Otherwise, characters may be omitted or the layout may become corrupt.
Detect the paper width when printing from computer
When you print from the computer, this function identifies the paper that was loaded
into this machine.
When the paper width detected by the machine differ from the width of the paper
specified in Page Size on the Page Setup tab, a message is displayed.
To use paper width detection when printing from the computer, select the check box.
If you are using user-defined paper, use the Custom Paper Size to correctly set
the size of the paper loaded in the machine.
If an error message is displayed even though the same size that was set is
loaded, clear the check box.
Ink Drying Wait Time
You can set the length of the machine rest time until printing of the next page begins.
Moving the slider to the right increases the pause time, and moving the slider to the
left decreases the time.
If the paper gets stained because the next page is ejected before the ink on the
printed page dries, increase the ink drying wait time.
Reducing the ink drying wait time speeds up printing.
4. Apply the settings
Click OK and when the confirmation message appears, click OK.
The machine operates with the modified settings hereafter.