Extra Information

The data in the image you have scanned is a collection of dots carrying information about brightness and
color. The density of these dots is called "resolution", and resolution will determine the amount of detail
your image contains. The unit of resolution is dots per inch (dpi). Dpi is the number of dots per inch (2.5
The higher the resolution (value), the more detail in your image; the lower the resolution (value), the less
How to Set the Resolution
You can set the resolution in the following screens.
IJ Scan Utility
Resolution on the (Scanning from a Computer) tab of the Settings dialog box
ScanGear (Scanner Driver)
Output Resolution in Output Settings on the Advanced Mode tab
Appropriate Resolution Settings
Set the resolution according to the use of the scanned image.
Item Type Use Color Mode Appropriate
Color photo Copying
Color 300 dpi
Creating a postcard Color 300 dpi
Saving to a computer Color 300 dpi
Using on a website or
attaching to e-mail
Color 150 dpi
Black and white photo Saving to a computer Grayscale 300 dpi
Using on a website or
attaching to e-mail
Grayscale 150 dpi
Text document
(document or magazine)
Copying Color, Grayscale, or
Black and White
300 dpi
Attaching to e-mail Color, Grayscale, or
Black and White
150 dpi
Scanning text using OCR Color or Grayscale 300 dpi
If you double the resolution, the data size of the scanned image quadruples. If the file is too large, the
processing speed will slow down significantly, and you will experience inconvenience such as lack of
memory. Set the minimum required resolution according to the use of the image.