Extra Information

Changing Registered Information
To change information registered for coded memory dial and group dial, follow the procedure below.
Make sure that the machine is turned on.
Confirming that the Power Is On
Press the Setup button.
The Setup menu screen is displayed.
Use the button to select Fax settings, then press the OK button.
Use the button to select TEL no. registration, then press the OK button.
Use the button to select a registration menu to change, then press the OK
Change the registered information.
To change a coded memory dial code:
Use the button or the Numeric buttons to select a coded memory dial code to
change, then press the OK button.
2. Display the screen to enter the recipient's fax/telephone number as well as you register the
fax/telephone number to the coded memory dial.
3. Change the recipient's fax/telephone number, then press the OK button.
You can enter the fax/telephone number up to 60 digits (40 digits for the US, Canada,
Korea and some regions of Latin America), including spaces.
For details on how to enter or delete characters:
Entering Numbers, Letters, and Symbols
Press the button twice to enter a pause.
When Telephone line type in FAX user settings under Fax settings is set to
Rotary pulse, you can enter a tone ("T") by pressing the Tone button.
Display the screen to enter the recipient's name as well as you register the name to the
coded memory dial.
Change the recipient's name, then press the OK button.
You can enter the name up to 16 characters, including spaces.
For details on how to enter or delete characters:
Entering Numbers, Letters, and Symbols
To change a group dial code:
Use the button or the Numeric buttons to select a group dial code to change, then
press the OK button.
Use the button to select Edit, then press the OK button.
Add the member or delete as well as you register the coded memory dial code to the group
dial, then press the OK button.
Change the group name, as well as you register the coded memory dial code to the group
dial, then press the OK button.
You can enter the name up to 16 characters, including spaces.