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6.1 Settings for Measurement (Page: 1/3)
INC Increment of sphere and cylinder “0.12, 0.25
COUNT Whether to display and print the serial number
ON”: Serial number will be displayed on the monitor and printed
with the result. It counts up at the measurement after the
OFF”: Serial number will neither be displayed nor printed.
[No.] “5-digit number”: Serial number
[How to change the number]
(1) Turn the roller, or press IOL switch or VD switch to select the
digit. The number of the selected digit will be displayed in
reverse image.
(2) The number increases when PRINT switch is pressed, and de-
creases when START switch is pressed.
RESET”: Resets serial number to “00001”.
[How to reset]
(1) Turn the roller, or press IOL switch or VD switch to select “RE-
(2) Press START switch or PRINT switch.
DATE Date and time
01” – “31”: Day
JAN” – “DEC”: Month (When “YMD” is selected for “ORDER
below, month will be displayed in numbers “1
– “12”)
2000” – “2099”: Year
00” – “23”: Hour
00” – “59”: Minutes
[How to change the setting]
(1) Select the item by turning roller, or by pressing IOL switch or VD
(2) Number increases when PRINT switch is pressed, and decreases
when START switch is pressed.
ORDER Order of displaying the date
YMD”: Year, month, day
MDY”: Month, day, year
DMY”: Day, month, year
AUTO MEASURE The number of continuous measurements “1 / 3 / 5
R–L MEASURE Whether to make a series of measurements on both eyes automatically
ON”: Left eye will automatically be measured after measuring the
right eye.