Owner's Manual

Record Now
Start recording while watching the live image.
A white frame surrounding the selected video window
is displayed.
Recording starts. The upper part of the window is red
when recording. Recording stops automatically after
the set time period.
The [Record Now] duration can be changed. For details, see
“Configure the Viewer Display and Operation Settings” (P. 4-3).
You can use [Record Now] to immediately record during a period
where there is no recording schedule set.
Save a Snapshot of the Displayed Image
You can take a snapshot of the displayed image and save
the still image.
[Display camera name] check box
Select this check box if you want to add the camera
name to the still image.
[Display timestamp] check box
Select this check box if you want to add the time and
date to the lower right side of the saved still image.
(You cannot specify the position, font, size or color.)
[Save As]
Save the preview image.
Closes the dialog box.
The [Save As] dialog box appears.
The file is saved in the specified location and the
focus is placed on the [Capture Still Frame] dialog
box again.
If you use the on screen display feature of the camera, the
date and time on the snapshot may look different from the
date and time on the on screen display. In addition, we
recommend that you display characters on the upper right
or upper left of the snapshot.
View Recorded Images
Click the video window displaying the image to be
Click [Record Now] on the toolbar.
The maximum frame rate is 5 fps.
The recording duration can be specified, however, the actual
duration may depend on various settings and on network
Click [Capture] on the toolbar to display the [Capture
Still Frame] dialog box.
Set the still image to be saved.
Click [Save As].
Specify the file name and storage location and click
Click [Cancel] to close the dialog box.